Task 37
Task 37
SHC Task 37

Advanced Housing Renovation

Project (Task) Objectives

The objective of this Task is:

  • to develop a solid knowledge base how to renovate housing to a very high energy standard [B/C] while providing superior comfort and sustainability [D]
  • develop strategies which support market penetration of such renovations explicitly directed towards market segments with high renovation and multipliable potentials [A]

The Task will begin by analyzing the building stock in order to identify building segments with the greatest multiplication and energy saving potential. Examples of building segments are year of construction, type of buildings, type of envelope and components. Within these segments important topics for discussions are: - ownership and decision structures, inhabitants and their characteristics and actual groups of retrofit market players.

In parallel, exemplary renovation projects achieving substantial primary energy savings while creating superior living quality will be analyzed. Important aspects are both energy performance and the owner's motivations behind the renovation.

Drawing on this experience package of measures in combination with the most updated research front, new and innovative concepts and components will be developed. The research work will be accomplished in close contact with the end users (local authorities, housing industry and research institutions) to ensure a focus on their requirements. Insights from this international collaboration will be conveyed to targeted national end users in a deliberate strategy to increase the market penetration of advanced housing renovations.

The results of the Task will be brochures and technical reports describing:

  • Housing segments with the the greatest multiplication and energy saving potentials [A]
  • Design and performance of exemplary renovation projects, describing benefits, process and motivations [B]
  • Packages of technically and economically robust concepts for housing renovation which could be applied in concrete projects [C]
  • Innovative future solutions with great potential of primary energy reduction [C]
  • A “basics” on sustainable renovation including principles for the design and realisation of renovation projects, connecting the technical point of view at the project scale to factors of a larger scale (environment and resources, infrastructure and equipment, health and well-being) [D]
  • Strategies for increased market penetration of housing renovation [A]

The work will be carried out within the framework of four Subtasks and working groups. Contributors and participants in this task will be:

  • National and regional government planning authorities
  • Market players (industry, institutions and others) in the building sector who are already producing, delivering, marketing or financing sustainable products/concepts or have ambitions to do so.
  • Universities and research institutes active in the building sector